[2011/1] D. BARTOLI, A. A. DAVYDOV, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. The minimum order of complete caps in PG(4,4). Advances in Mathematics of Communications 5, (2011) 37-40.
[2012/1] D. BARTOLI, A. A. DAVYDOV, G. FAINA, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. On sizes of complete arcs in PG(2,q). Discrete Mathematics 312(3), (2012) 680-698.
[2012/2] D. BARTOLI, G. FAINA, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. New quantum caps in PG(4,4). Journal of Combinatorial Designs 20(10), (2012) 448-466.
[2013/1] N. ANBAR, D. BARTOLI, S. FANALI, M. GIULIETTI. On the size of the automorphism group of a plane algebraic curve in positive characteristic. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 217 (7), (2013) 1224-1236.
[2013/2] D. BARTOLI, A. A. DAVYDOV, G. FAINA, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. New upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete arc in a finite Desarguesian projective plane. Journal of Geometry 104(1), (2013) 11-43.
[2013/3] D. BARTOLI, A.A. DAVYDOV, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. A 3-cycle construction of complete arcs sharing (q+3)/2 points with a conic. Advances in Mathematics of Communications 7(3), (2013) 319-334.
[2013/4] D. BARTOLI, G. FAINA, M. GIULIETTI. Small complete caps in three-dimensional Galois spaces. Finite Fields and Their Applications 24, (2013) 184-191.
[2013/5] D. BARTOLI, G. FAINA, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. On the minimum size of complete arcs and minimal saturating sets in projective planes. Journal of Geometry 104(3), (2013) 409-419.
[2013/6] D. BARTOLI, G. FAINA, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO, A.A. DAVYDOV. A new algorithm and a new type of estimate for the smallest size of complete arcs in PG(2,q). Electronic Notes Discrete Mathematics 40, (2013) 27-31.
[2013/7] F. PAMBIANCO, A.A. DAVYDOV, D. BARTOLI, M. GIULIETTI, S. MARCUGINI. A note on multiple coverings of the farthest-off points. Electronic Notes Discrete Mathematics 40, (2013) 289-293.
[2013/7] F. PAMBIANCO, D. BARTOLI, G. FAINA, S. MARCUGINI. Classification of the smallest minimal 1-saturating sets in PG(2,q), q<=23. Electronic Notes Discrete Mathematics 40, (2013) 229-233.
[2014/1] D. BARTOLI, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. The non-existence of some NMDS codes and the extremal sizes of complete (n,3)-arcs in PG(2,16). Designs, Codes and Cryptography 72(1), (2014) 129-134.
[2014/2] N. ANBAR, D. BARTOLI, M. GIULIETTI, I. PLATONI. Small Complete Caps from Singular Cubics. Journal of Combinatorial Designs 22(10), (2014) 409-424.
[2014/3] D. BARTOLI. On the Structure of Semiovals of Small Size. Journal of Combinatorial Designs 22(12), (2014) 525-536.
[2014/4] D. BARTOLI, A.A. DAVYDOV, G. FAINA, A.A. KRESHCHUK, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO, I. TKACHENKO. Upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete arc in PG(2,q) under a certain probabilistic conjecture. Problems of Information Transmission 50(4), (2014) 320-339.
[2014/5] D. BARTOLI, M. DE BOEK, S. FANALI, L. STORME. On the functional codes defined by quadrics and Hermitian varieties. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 71(1), (2014) 21-46.
[2014/6] D. BARTOLI, G. FAINA, G. KISS, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. 2-semiarcs in PG(2,q), q<=13. Ars Combinatoria 117, (2014) 435-462.
[2014/7] D. BARTOLI, L. STORME. On the functional codes arising from the intersections of algebraic hypersurfaces of small degree with a non-singular quadric. Advances in Mathematics of Communications 8(3), (2014) 271-280.
[2014/8] J. BIERBRAUER, D. BARTOLI, G. FAINA, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO, Y. EDEL. The structure of quaternary quantum caps. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 72(3), (2014) 733-747.
[2015/1] D. BARTOLI, M. GIULIETTI, I. PLATONI. On the covering radius of MDS codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 61(2), (2015) 801-811.
[2015/2] D. BARTOLI, A. A. DAVYDOV, G. FAINA, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. New types of estimates for the smallest size of complete arcs in a finite Desarguesian projective plane. Journal of Geometry 106(1), (2015) 1-17.
[2015/3] N. ANBAR, D. BARTOLI, M. GIULIETTI, I. PLATONI. Small Complete Caps from Singular Cubics, II. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 41(1), (2015) 185-216.
[2015/4] D. BARTOLI, A.A. DAVYDOV, M. GIULIETTI, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. Multiple Coverings of the Farthest-off Points with Small Density from Projective Geometry. Advances in Mathematics of Communications 9(1), (2015) 63-85.
[2015/5] D. BARTOLI, J. BIERBRAUER, G. FAINA, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. The nonexistence of an additive quaternary [15,5,9]-code. Finite Fields and Their Applications 36, (2015) 29-40.
[2016/1] D. BARTOLI, A.A. DAVYDOV, G. FAINA, A.A. KRESHCHUK, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. Upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete arc in a finite Desarguesian projective plane based on computer search. Journal of Geometry 107(1), (2016) 89-117.
[2016/2] D. BARTOLI, F. PAVESE. A note on Equidistant Subspace Codes. Discrete Applied Mathematics 198, (2016) 291-296.
[2016/3] D. BARTOLI, L. STORME. The second and the third smallest arrangements of hyperplanes in finite projective spaces. Finite Fields and Their Applications 37, (2016) 225-239.
[2016/4] D. BARTOLI, G. KISS, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. On the spectrum of sizes of semiovals contained in the Hermitian curve. European Journal of Combinatorics 52(A), (2016) 223-233.
[2016/5] D. BARTOLI, A. SBOUI, L. STORME. Bounds on the number of rational points of algebraic hypersurfaces over finite fields, with applications to projective Reed-Muller codes. Advances in Mathematics of Communications 10(2), (2016) 355-365.
[2016/6] D. BARTOLI, M, GIULIETTI, G. ZINI. Complete (k,3)-arcs from quartic curves. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 79(3), (2016) 487-505.
[2016/7] D. BARTOLI, M. GIULIETTI, G. ZINI. On monomial complete permutation polynomials. Finite Fields and Their Applications 41, (2016) 132-158.
[2016/8] D. BARTOLI, A.A. DAVYDOV, M. GIULIETTI, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. Further results on multiple coverings of the farthest-off points. Advances in Mathematics of Communications 6(3), (2016) 613-632.
[2017/1] D. BARTOLI, J. BIERBRAUER, G. KYUREGHYAN, M. GIULIETTI, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. A family of semifields in characteristic 2. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 45(2), (2017) 455-473.
[2017/2] D. BARTOLI, M. GIULIETTI, L. QUOOS, G. ZINI. Complete permutation polynomials from exceptional polynomials. Journal of Number Theory 176, (2017) 46-66.
[2017/3] D. BARTOLI, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. A construction of small complete caps in projective spaces. Journal of Geometry 108(1), (2017) 215-246.
[2017/4] D. BARTOLI, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. On the completeness of plane cubic curves over finite fields. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 83(2), (2017) 233-267.
[2017/5] D. BARTOLI, S. MARCUGINI, A. MILANI, F. PAMBIANCO. Completeness of the 95256-cap in PG(12,4). Electronic Notes Discrete Mathematics 57, (2017) 27-32.
[2017/6] D. BARTOLI, A.A. DAVYDOV, G. FAINA, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. Conjectural upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete cap in PG(N,q), N>=3. Electronic Notes Discrete Mathematics 57, (2017) 15-20.
[2017/7] D. BARTOLI, A.A. DAVYDOV, ALEXEY A. KRESHCHUK, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. Upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete cap in PG(3,q) and PG(4,q). Electronic Notes Discrete Mathematics 57, (2017) 21-26.
[2017/8] D. BARTOLI, M. BONINI, M. GIULIETTI. Constant dimension codes from Riemann-Roch spaces. Advances in Mathematics of Communications 11(4), (2017) 705-713.
[2017/9] D. BARTOLI, P. SPEZIALI, G. ZINI. Complete (k, 4)-arcs from quintic curves. Journal of Geometry 108(3), (2017) 985-1011.
[2017/10] D. BARTOLI, G. FAINA, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. Complete caps in AG(N,q) with both N and q odd. Journal of Combinatorial Designs 25(9), (2017) 419-425.
[2018/1] D. BARTOLI, G. ZINI. On permutation trinomials of type x^(2p^s+r)+x^(p^s+r)+lambda x^r. Finite Fields and Their Applications 49, (2018) 126-131.
[2018/2] D. BARTOLI, M. GIULIETTI. Permutation polynomials, fractional polynomials, and algebraic curves. Finite Fields and their Applications 51, (2018) 1-16.
[2018/3] D. BARTOLI, M. MONTANUCCI, G. ZINI. Multi-point AG codes on the GK curve. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 86(1), (2018) 161-177.
[2018/4] D. BARTOLI, J. BIERBRAUER, G. FAINA, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. A family of semifields in odd characteristic. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 86(3), (2018) 611-621.
[2018/5] D. BARTOLI, M. GIULIETTI, G. MARINO, O. POLVERINO. Maximum scattered linear sets and complete caps in Galois spaces. Combinatorica 38(2), (2018) 255-278.
[2018/6] D. BARTOLI, Y. ZHOU. Exceptional scattered polynomials. Journal of Algebra 509, (2018) 507-534.
[2018/7] A. AGUGLIA, D. BARTOLI, L. STORME, Zs. WEINER. A characterization of Hermitian varieties as codewords. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 25(1), (2018) #P1.71.
[2018/8] D. BARTOLI. On a conjecture about a class of permutation trinomials. Finite Fields and their Applications 52, (2018) 30-50.
[2018/9] D. BARTOLI, L. QUOOS, G. ZINI. Algebraic Geometric Codes on many points from Kummer Extensions. Finite Fields and their Applications 52, (2018) 319-335.
[2018/10] D. BARTOLI, L. QUOOS. Permutation polynomials of the type x^rg(x^s) over Fq^(2n). Designs Codes and Cryptography 86(8), (2018) 1589-1599.
[2018/11] D. BARTOLI, M. MONTANUCCI, G. ZINI. AG codes and AG quantum codes from the GGS curve. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 86(10), (2018) 2315-2344.
[2018/12] D. BARTOLI, A.A. DAVYDOV, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. On the Smallest Size of an Almost Complete Subset of a Conic in PG(2,q) and Extendability of Reed-Solomon Codes. Problems of Information Transmission 54(2), (2018) 101-115.
[2018/13] D. BARTOLI, G. KISS, T. HEGER, M. TAKATS. On the metric dimension of affine planes, biaffine planes and generalized quadrangles. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 72(2), (2018) 226-248.
[2018/14] D. BARTOLI, A.M. MASUDA, M. MONTANUCCI, L. QUOOS CONTE. Pure gaps on curves with many rational places. Finite Fields and their Applications 53, (2018) 287-308.
[2018/15] D. BARTOLI, F. PAVESE. Blocking semiovals in PG(2,q^2), q odd, admitting PGL(2,q) as an automorphism group. Finite Fields and their Applications 54, (2018) 315-334.
[2019/1] D. BARTOLI, M. GIULIETTI, M. MONTANUCCI. Linear codes from Denniston maximal arcs. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 87(4), (2019) 795-806.
[2019/2] D. BARTOLI, M. BONINI. Minimum weight codewords in dual Algebraic-Geometric codes from the Giulietti-Korchmáros curve. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 87(6), (2019) 1433-1445
[2019/3] D. BARTOLI, M. BONINI. Minimal linear codes in odd characteristic. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 65(7), (2019) 4152-4155.
[2019/4] D. BARTOLI, K.-U. SCHMIDT. Low-degree planar polynomials over finite fields of characteristic two. Journal of Algebra 535, (2019) 541-555.
[2019/5] D. BARTOLI, A.A. DAVYDOV, M. GIULIETTI, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. New Bounds for Linear Codes of Covering Radii 2 and 3. Cryptography and Communications 11, (2019) 903-920.
[2019/6] D. BARTOLI, A.A. DAVYDOV, A. A. KRESHCHUK, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. New upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete cap in PG(3,q) and PG(4,q). Ars Combinatoria 147, (2019) 87-96.
[2020/1] D. BARTOLI. Permutation trinomials over Fq^3. Finite Fields and their Applications 61, (2020) 101597.
[2020/2] D. BARTOLI, M. TIMPANELLA. A family of planar binomials in characteristic 2. Finite Fields and their Applications 63, (2020) 101651.
[2020/3] D. BARTOLI, Y. ZHOU. Asymptotics of Moore exponent sets. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 175, (2020) 105281.
[2020/4] D. BARTOLI, G. KISS, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. Resolving sets for higher dimensional projective spaces. Finite Fields and their Applications 67, (2020) 101710.
[2020/5] D. BARTOLI, M. TIMPANELLA. On a generalization of planar functions. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 52, (2020) 187-213.
[2020/6] D. BARTOLI, A.A. DAVYDOV, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. On planes through points off the twisted cubic in PG(3,q) and multiple covering codes. Finite Fields and their Applications 67, (2020) 101710.
[2020/7] D. BARTOLI, M. GIULIETTI, M. KAWAKITA, M. MONTANUCCI. New examples of maximal curves with low genus. Finite Fields and their Applications 68, (2020) 101744.
[2020/8] D. BARTOLI, G. SOYDAN. The diophantine equation (x + 1)^k + (x + 2)^k + ... + (l x)^k = y^m revisited. Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 96(1-2), (2020) 111-120.
[2020/9] D. BARTOLI, G. KISS, S. MARCUGINI, F. PAMBIANCO. On resolving sets in the point-line incidence graph of PG(n,q). Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 19(2), (2020) 231-247.
[2020/10] D. BARTOLI, C. ZANELLA, F. ZULLO. A new family of maximum scattered linear sets in PG(1,q^6). Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 19(1), (2020) 125-145.
[2020/11] D. BARTOLI, M. MONTANUCCI, L. QUOOS CONTE. Locally recoverable codes from automorphism group of function fields of genus g>=1. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 66(1), (2020) 6799-6808.
[2021/1] D. BARTOLI, H. BORGES, L. QUOOS. Rational Functions with Small Value Set. Journal of Algebra 565, (2021) 675-690.
[2021/2] D. BARTOLI, M. MONTANUCCI, G.ZINI. Weierstrass semigroups at every point of the Suzuki curve. Acta Arithmetica 197(1), (2021) 1-20.
[2021/3] D. BARTOLI, M. TIMPANELLA. A family of permutation trinomials in Fq^2. Finite Fields and their Applications 70, (2021) 101781.
[2021/4] D. BARTOLI, M. MONTANUCCI. On the classification of exceptional scattered polynomials. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 179, (2021) 105386.
[2021/5] D. BARTOLI, A.-E. RIET, L. STORME, P. VANDENDRIESSCHE. Improvement to the sunflower bound for a class of equidistant constant dimension subspace codes. Journal of Geometry 112, (2021) 12.
[2021/6] D. BARTOLI, M. TIMPANELLA. On trinomials of type X^(n+m)(1 + AX^(m(q-1)) + BX^(n(q-1)), n,m odd, over Fq^2, q=2^(2s+1). Finite Fields and their Applications 72, (2021) 101816.
[2021/7] D. BARTOLI, M. CALDERINI. On construction and (non)existence of c-(almost) perfect nonlinear functions. Finite Fields and their Applications 72, (2021) 101835.
[2021/8] D. BARTOLI, M. BONINI, M. TIMPANELLA. On the weight distribution of some minimal codes. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 89, (2021) 471-487.
[2021/9] D. BARTOLI. Hasse-Weil type theorems and relevant classes of polynomial functions. In: London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Proceedings of 28th British Combinatorial Conference, Cambridge University Press, (2021) pp. 43-102.
[2021/10] D. BARTOLI, X. HOU. On a conjecture on permutation rational functions over finite fields. Finite Fields and their Applications 76, (2021) 101904.
[2021/11] D. BARTOLI, M. MONTANUCCI, G. ZINI. On certain self-orthogonal AG codes with applications to Quantum error-correcting codes. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 89, (2021) 1221-1239.
[2021/12] D. BARTOLI, L. QUOOS, Z. SAGYRI, E. YILMAZ. Explicit Maximal and Minimal Curves of Artin-Schreier Type from Quadratic Forms. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 32, (2021) 507-520.
[2021/13] D. BARTOLI, M. BONINI, B. GUNES. An inductive construction of minimal codes. Cryptography and Communications 13, (2021) 439-449.
[2021/14] D. BARTOLI, M. MONTANUCCI, F. TORRES. Fp^2-maximal curves with many automorphisms are Galois-covered by the Hermitian curve. Advances in Geometry 21(3), (2021) 325-336.
[2021/15] D. BARTOLI, B. CSAJBOK, M. MONTANUCCI. On a conjecture about maximum scattered subspaces of Fq^6xFq^6. Linear Algebra and its Applications 631, (2021) 111-135.
[2021/16] D. BARTOLI, B. CSAJBOK, G. MARINO, R. TROMBETTI. Evasive Subspaces. Journal of Combinatorial Designs 29(8), (2021) 533-551.
[2021/17] D. BARTOLI, M. BONINI. A short note on polynomials f(X) = X + AX^(1+q^2(q-1)/4)+ BX^(1+3q^2(q-1)/4) in Fq^2[X], q even. Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, (2021).
[2021/18] D. BARTOLI, K. LI, Y. ZHOU. On the asymptotic classification of Kloosterman polynomials. Proceedings of American Mathematical Society, (2021).
[2022/1] D. BARTOLI, G. ZINI, F. ZULLO. Investigating the exceptionality of scattered polynomial. Finite Fields and their applications 77, (2022) 101956.
[2022/2] D. BARTOLI, M. GIULIETTI, M. TIMPANELLA. Two-to-one functions from Galois extensions. Discrete Applied Mathematics 309, (2022) 194-201.
[2022/3] D. BARTOLI, M. BONINI. Planar polynomials arising from linearized polynomials. Journal of Algebra and its Applications 21(1), (2022) 2250002.
[2022/4] D. BARTOLI, M. CALDERINI, O. POLVERINO, F. ZULLO. On the infiniteness of a family of APN functions. Journal of Algebra 598, (2022) 68-84.
[2022/5] D. BARTOLI, G. MICHELI, G. ZINI, F. ZULLO. r-fat linearized polynomials over finite fields. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 189, (2022) 105609.
[2022/6] D. BARTOLI, M. GIULIETTI, G. PERARO, G. ZINI. On monomial generalized almost perfect nonlinear functions. Finite Fields and Their Applications 82, (2022) 102050.
[2022/7] D. BARTOLI, M. TIMPANELLA. On a conjecture on APN permutations. Cryptography and Communications 14, (2022) 925-931.
[2022/8] D. BARTOLI, G. ZINI, F. ZULLO. Non-minimum tensor rank Gabidulin codes. Linear Algebra and its applications 650, (2022) 248-266.
[2022/9] D. BARTOLI, M. CALDERINI, M. TIMPANELLA. Exceptional Crooked Functions. Finite Fields and Their Applications 84, (2022) 102109.
[2022/10] D. BARTOLI, A. COSSIDENTE, G. MARINO, F. PAVESE. On cutting blocking sets and their codes. Forum Mathematicum 34(2), (2022) 347-368.
[2022/11] D. BARTOLI, G. MICHELI. Algebraic constructions of complete m-arcs. Combinatorica 42, (2022) 673-700.
[2022/12] D. BARTOLI, M. CALDERINI, C. RIERA, P. STANICA. Low c-differential uniformity for functions modified on subfields. Cryptography and Communications 14(6), (2022) 1211-1227.
[2022/13] D. BARTOLI, N. DURANTE. On the classification of low-degree ovoids of Q(4,q). Combinatorica 42(1), (2022) 913-951.
[2023/1] D. BARTOLI, M. BORELLO. Small Strong Blocking Sets by Concatenation. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 37(1), (2023) 65-82.
[2023/2] D. BARTOLI, L. DENAUX. Minimal codewords arising from the incidence of points and hyperplanes in projective spaces. Advances in Mathematics of Communications 17(1), (2023) 56-77.
[2023/4] D. BARTOLI, G. MARINO, A. NERI. New MRD codes from linear cutting blocking sets. Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata 202, (2023) 115-142.
[2023/5] D. BARTOLI, G. ZINI, F. ZULLO. Linear maximum rank distance codes of exceptional type. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, DOI: 10.1109/TIT.2023.3243682 (2023).